Dells Equine Veterinary Services
Unique among Central Wisconsin large animal vets, Dells Equine provides a comprehensive range of Equine Veterinary Services that focus on the health, personality and dignity of the horse, from birth through routine health maintenance, injury treatments and palliative comfort.
In addition to scheduled equine health maintenance services and emergency treatment for injured horses, Dells now (since December, 2021) offers a full-service equine clinic for Central Wisconsin, giving horse owners convenient access to either "outpatient" or "inpatient" surgeries and recovery care for as much time as the horse needs.
You can expect the highest levels of both compassion and experience from Dells Equine Veterinary Services and Clinic. Start by contacting us, and we look forward to hearing about your needs.

Preventative Health Care for Horses
Excellent preventative health care for horses is the foundation of their well-being. A thorough equine physical exam at least once a year gives you and your veterinarian information your horse can't tell you. Many issues can be caught early or prevented altogether. When you get the preventative care right, you won't deal with as many problems in general. Also, you establish a relationship with your veterinarian so they are familiar with you, what is normal for your horse, and how you like to take care of it--just in case something goes wrong later. As a preventative care client, you'll receive priority for scheduling and response to emergencies.
Medical binder with reference material and horse health records
Wellness exams
Deworming, fecal parasite egg counts
Coggins testing
Routine bloodwork
Nutritional consultation
Health certificates
Microchip placement and scanning
Consultations on farm/barn design and safety
Identification of toxic plants and other environmental risks
Education on internal parasite, external parasite (e.g. fly and tick) control
First aid kits available
"We have found that Dr. Suzanne is fun to work with, knows what she is talking about in great detail and has a great passion for her work. It is obvious in spending time with her that this line of work is not only her passion, it is her life. She has a lot of compassion for the animals she treats, as well as for the people that are going though this with their horses. Her skills in equine dentistry are top notch........radiographs, ultrasounds, blood work, vaccinations, lameness exams, whatever we need, she has always come through with a great attitude and a deep understanding of her trade. Over the years we have not only used her services, but are proud to be able to call her our friend as well." Scott Bayerl, Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation
Equine Emergency Care
When the unexpected happens, please don't hesitate to call. Most ailments can be treated successfully on the farm. If the horse would be best treated in a hospital setting, we will stabilize the horse and arrange for continued care at the appropriate facility.
Colic, choke
Foaling emergencies
I have an emergency now or I want to be prepared for one.
I am so glad to know when I call I will have an experienced, awesome veterinarian coming to my rescue. Thanks for all you do!"
Alice Vysinka, Douglas Legacy Farm

Equine Dentistry
Regular dental care for a horse is one of the best things you can do for long-term comfort and longevity, and it's more cost-effective then trying to correct major dental problems that took years to develop before they were detected. For equine dentistry, we strongly recommends every horse have an oral exam at least once a year beginning at three years old. A complete oral exam requires light sedation and a speculum to hold the horse’s mouth open. We bring a safe dental halter that the horse can rest its head on, a light to see in the mouth, and a dental mirror to thoroughly examine all the sides of the teeth. Many owners appreciate the opportunity to look into their horse’s mouth and we encourage you to take a look or feel. Many dental problems can be caught early with oral exams, before the horse shows signs of trouble.
Floating teeth is the process of removing sharp points and overgrowths allowing the horse to have a normal chewing motion without pain. (Did you know that horse’s teeth "grow" most of their life?) Some horses require very little dental work throughout their life, while others may have alignment problems or missing teeth and therefore require floating as often as every six months or less.
Traditional hand floats are only effective at removing sharp points but not overgrowths. We use a motorized float so that she is prepared to make all the necessary corrections. The actual floating with this equipment only takes a few minutes on average, which is a huge advantage over hand rasp floating which can drag on and on. Horses tolerate motorized floating better than hand floating because it does not jerk their head and does not cut their cheeks or gums like handfloats are more prone to do. The motorized float has a diamond disk which minimizes heat production and is safe for soft tissue in the mouth. The most common extractions we perform are in young horses that need wolf teeth or retained caps (baby teeth) removed and old horses that have loose cheek teeth causing pain and infection.
Thorough oral exams with safe restraint and excellent visualization of the entire mouth
Routine and extensive equilibration (floating)
Wolf tooth extraction
Simple molar extraction
Treatment of tooth abscesses or gum disease
We also offer routine care and advanced dental surgeries by the board-certified veterinary dental specialists of Midwest Veterinary Dental Services.
Treatment and Medicine for Horse Diseases and Conditions
Is your horse "not quite right" or definitely sick? We will start with a physical exam and offer other diagnostic tests as needed to get your horse on the road to recovery.
Hormone imbalances such as insulin resistance
Diagnosis and treatment of PPID (Cushing's Disease)
Respiratory and sinus conditions
Heaves (Recurrent Airway Obstruction)
Tick-borne diseases
Neurologic conditions
Muscle, liver, kidney disorders
GI disorders
Genetic disorders such as HYPP
Reproductive system disorders
Nutritional deficiencies/imbalances

Treatment of Horse Lameness
Treatment for a lame horse is most effective after a specific diagnosis is made. The longer a horse is lame, the lower the chances of it returning to soundness. Figuring out why a horse is lame is like solving a puzzle. Equine lameness exams can be very brief if the problem is readily apparent while other times it can take several appointments over a period of time to arrive at the diagnosis and start treatment.
hoof testers
flexion tests
nerve blocks
digital radiographs
digital ultrasound
Treatment options may include:
time, rest
opening an abscess, poulticing or soaking
change in diet
supplements for joint health
therapeutic joint injections
injections of medication
farrier consultations
wooden shoes for laminitis
referral for shockwave or complementary medical services (acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, etc.)
Pre-Purchase Horse Exams
Are you considering buying a horse in our practice area of Central Wisconsin? We have become well known and respected for our thorough pre-purchase horse exams and would love to help you in this process. It can be rather simple and basic, or be much more extensive with the use of radiographs and bloodwork. We will spend time getting to know you and get familiar with what you are looking for and give you advice on the types of things that should be included.
Are you selling a horse? A professional pre-purchase exam helps protect you from accusations of hiding a horse's medical, lameness, or conformation issue. All too often buyers skip a veterinary pre-purchase exam, discover a problem with their new horse, and "go after the seller" in any number of ways. If you, the seller, encourage and facilitate a veterinary pre-purchase exam, there are much fewer problems with the buyer being disappointed in the horse and holding you responsible.
"I recently was in the market for a barrel horse and the one that I liked the most was in the state of Wisconsin. Which is a long long , long way from my state of New York. I called Dr. Suzanne and asked quite a few questions, as I had never had a finished performance horse vet checked. This was the best call I made! She explained everything to me, and left no doubts in my mind as to what we were checking physically and what blood work to have done. She explained, tests, results of the tests and pricing was right up front. All of this gave me peace of mind for the purchase of this horse. He arrived a few days later and I was extremely happy. Dr. Suzanne made buying out of state a nice experience." Karen Amshay
"Thank you, if I ever move to the Dells you would be my choice for a veterinarian."
Vanya Castle

Mare Breeding and Equine Reproductive Services
Ready to breed a mare? We can work with you to maximize your chances of your mare conceiving and delivering a healthy foal.
Mare breeding soundness exams
Cooled semen AI
Pregnancy confirmation, twin management
Customized gestation calculator mailed to you for your mare's pregnancy timeline
Caslick's surgery
Uterine lavage, biopsy, treatment of infections
"Finally a vet who listens. Dr. Suzanne not only listens but she gets you the answers you need. She is very knowledgeable, yet not afraid to admit when she needs to do some research. She shows compassion and confidence with the horses she cares for. She is great at explaining choices in a way that is understandable. Her excellent care and dedication have been a great support to our breeding program here at Ostara Morgans. She walked us through the process of AI with our mare and a stallion from Montana. Then when our second foal did not get adequate colostrum she was right there."
Noel Radcliffe
Foaling Services
Most mares deliver healthy foals without any complications. If you have any concerns, please give us a call for experienced, professional, mare foaling assistance. If everything goes well, we still recommend an exam of the mare and foal when the foal is 12-24 hours old to that we can verify that it received sufficient colostrum.
Educational handouts on predicting foaling, the normal foaling process, and new foal care
Assisting the mare with difficult birth
Placenta evaluation
Exam of mare after delivery
reatment for retained placenta, infections, or tears
Neonatal exam
IgG testing, transfusion if needed

Equine Ophthalmology
Don't mess around with eyes! Horses are uniquely susceptible to many different ocular conditions. Even minor ocular injuries that seem straightforward can become serious and threaten your horse’s vision very quickly if the horse is not treated correctly. If your horse’s eyes don't look right, if the eye is running or the horse is squinting, a veterinarian needs to examine the eye right away. Also, the longer the horse has pain in their eyes and the longer you have to put medications in the eye, the less they cooperate with treatments. The best treatment needs to be started from day one for optimum success and preservation of vision.
Treatment for injuries and infections
Identification and treatment of congenital disorders
Uveitis and other immune-mediated disorders
Surgery from mass removals, laceration repair, to complete enucleation (removal of the eye)
Medical treatment using topical treatment or subpalpebral lavage
Equine Surgery
Sometimes surgery for a horse is the best choice. We will discuss the equine surgery procedure with you and make every effort to control post-operative pain and prevent complications.
umbilical hernia repair
mass removals
wound repair
proud flesh removal
skin grafting

Dermatology for Horses
Horses are prone to lots of different skin disorders, and they often occur together! In our extensive experience of dermatology for horses, we emphasize appropriate testing, and customize a treatment plan for your horse's skin conditions.
skin scrapes, biopsy
treatment of allergic & auto-immune condtions
various infections bacterial and fungal infections
medical, surgical, or freezing of tumors
pastern dermatitis ("Scratches")
aural (ear) plaques, warts
hereditary problems
toxic conditions
Horse Classes
Yes, we offer classes to learn how to care for horses, and simply to learn all about horses. Our classes are especially great for children, but groups of any type will find them fun and informative.
Teaching groups with their horses how to assess temperature, pulse, respiration and other basic medical assessments
Seminars with topics tailored to your need and audience
"You are a very, very talented and gifted veterinarian and human being! You have set such a phenomenal example for all around you and I assure you, each and every student that has participated is enriched and now has a role model to look up to. My daughter worked with you in spring and came away from that experience so inspired and full of respect for you! I have had the pleasure to work with you several times, and I feel the same!" -Christine Achtermeier